Always take the latest release. Test Release folder items are promoted once checked. First install 1.Close Ms Project 2.Download the latest zip file and then run the setup exe Upgrading 1.Close MS Project 2 Go to your computer app settings and uninstall the Simbiotix_IBPM 3. Download and extract the zip file 4. Run the setup program 5. Open project as usual (IBPM menu will be present for your use) PWA Administrator Setup (Site Admins only) 1. you must put a CustomSolutions.xml file in the PWA SharedDocuments folder of the root site. a. Go to the projects menu b. click the cog wheel c. Select Site Contents d. Select the SharedDocuments folder e. Upload the default CustomSoluitons.xml file Upon Install 1. in your working folder you will find an excel file ComponentList.xlsx - open this file and add in the hours under each column task header for each third party item you integrate - these items are availible to be inserted when you add items to any schedule 2. There is a customsolutions.xml file - this file is edited by the vsto add in - create new items by clicking the Create button in the ERP section - update the entry form (select the option check box if this is an optional item) - add the model ID to asscociate items and options For Options - add the option group to help sort the options list - create the tasks for that item - identify the worktype for each task - these items are availible to you when you select add Custom Solution or Custom Options - when you add a custom solution you will be prompted to add options if there are any option items in the xml database that are related